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Harikomamori, Memory Card Game


Set of 48 cards / 24 illustrations

This Memory card game was inspired by Camille’s fascination for Japanese folklore after a trip to Japan. She started drawing Japanese toys & amulets for her newborn son. They soon became a collection of 24 illustrations and Sonriso Studio had the great idea to publish them as a family game.
Most of these toys are called “Hariko” (papier-mâché dolls) from the Edo era (1600-1868). Each one of them comes from different regions of Japan and has its own little story and purpose from protection to lucky charm for victory. They are often given to children, for births, weddings and more.

Designed by Camille Gressier & published by Sonriso Studio. Copyright © 2021 all rights reserved / translation Alexandra Aubertin.

Limited Edition. Printed in five colours on paper Fedrigoni Arena Rough Natural White. Photos by Sonriso Studio.

Each box is slightly different due to the Riso technique which makes each one of them unique. Risography ink does not dry 100%. It is possible that the print has some marks due to the artisanal printing technique. It is also best not to touch the prints.